Custom Industrial Tote Carts

Our team worked together to produce these Tote Carts for one of our manufacturing customers. Our engineering team designed the Tote Carts, working closely with the customer to understand their specific needs and requirements. Once the design phase was complete, our fabrication shop took charge of processing the materials and fabricating the Tote Carts. Our Coatings team took on the task of enhancing the carts’ durability and aesthetics. They sandblasted the components, ensuring a clean and smooth surface that promotes proper adhesion of the protective coating. The team then applied a powder coating finish, not only providing an attractive visual appeal but also offering superior resistance to wear, corrosion, and abrasion. This coating process adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring the Tote Carts can withstand the rigors of the manufacturing environment and maintain their functionality over time.

The collaboration between our engineering, fabrication, and coatings teams ensured that all components were brought together, resulting in a finished product that met or exceeded the customer’s expectations.

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