Fan housing

A Case Study in Effective Shop Coatings Work

Existing Challenge

Nix was approached by a manufacturing customer facing critical challenges with their cooling system. The customer’s industrial fan, vital for efficient operations, was suffering from imbalances caused by coolant and exhaust buildup. These issues were leading to premature failures of the electric motor and bearings, resulting in costly downtime and maintenance expenses. Additionally, cracks in the housing’s centering fins and permanent deformations were further exacerbating the situation.

Approach and Solution

To address the manufacturing customer’s challenges, we devised a solution that focused on enhancing the fan’s performance, prolonging the lifespan of the electric motor, and ensuring the structural integrity of the housing.

High-Gloss Powder Coating: We applied a high-gloss powder coating to the housing itself. This coating not only enhanced the housing’s durability and resistance to environmental factors but also facilitated easy cleaning during regular maintenance.

Anti-Graffiti Coating: The fan blades were coated with an anti-graffiti solution to counter the buildup caused by coolant and exhaust. This innovative coating allowed for effortless removal of any accumulated material during the monthly power washing.

Preventive Maintenance Program: We collaborated with the customer to implement a proactive Preventive Maintenance (P.M.) program. This schedule included monthly power washing to prevent excessive buildup and keep the cooling system in optimal condition.

Stiffener Rings: To address the housing deformation issue, we added stiffener rings to the outer housing. These rings provided structural support, preventing permanent deformations caused by motor failures.

Reinforced Centering System: To eliminate the cracking of centering fins, a band was added to the outside of the housing. Additionally, the tie bars on the back of the motor were connected in a 45-degree direction to absorb radial torque during motor startup.

Results and Benefits

By implementing these innovative solutions, we successfully resolved the challenges faced by the manufacturing customer and achieved the following outcomes:

Enhanced Performance: The balanced fan, free from coolant and exhaust buildup, improved the overall efficiency of the cooling system, contributing to smoother manufacturing operations.

Prolonged Equipment Lifespan: This significantly extended the lifespan of the electric motor and bearings by eliminating imbalances and reducing stress during startup.

Increased Structural Integrity: The addition of stiffener rings and reinforced centering mechanisms eliminated permanent deformations and cracks, ensuring the housing’s long-term durability.

Cost Savings: The preventive maintenance program led to reduced downtime and maintenance costs, providing the manufacturing customer with substantial cost savings over time.