Michael Baer, Sr. Project Estimator Structural Fabrication – Rockport, IN

May 23, 2023: What an exciting morning we had as

Following proper welding procedures is essential to ensure the safety

Frank Rye, Operations Manager Northend Gear & Machine – Fairfield,

Samuel Fischer, Repair Welder Repairs & Maintenance – Poseyville, IN

We recently held our first Annual Welding Competition at the

Gearbox inspection typically involves several steps to ensure that the

Refurbishment of Damaged Tanker A Case Study in Effective Repairs

Nix 2022 Year In Review

Advancing Our Engineering In 2022, we advanced our engineering department

Thomas Daugherty, Welder/Fabricator Custom Fabrication – Poseyville, IN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zug8EQEkz1k What

Sandblasting, also known as Abrasive Blasting, is a process in

Poseyville, IN (January 4, 2023): Carl A. Nix Jr. “Sonny”,

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